Let’s start by stating that this is a very large fair; almost 6.000 exhibitors and more than 50.000 participants. This is huge and you can find almost any wine here.

Markus Molitor showing his spectacular 2013 vintage from Mosel. Yours truly Frederik Kreutzer is the guy with the goofy smile
You have exhibitors from 50 countries, showing everything from glass-stoppers to spirits, and a whole lot of different wines in between. I would love to just walk around for all 3 days, without a plan, and just find new and interesting stuff. This year was planned and gave good results.

Il Poggione, showing there 98 Point Brunello and a spectacular Pinot Grigio. Read more here: http://www.montalcinoreport.com/
I had the best fair ever this year. We were 3 attendances from Otto Suenson and we had the almost perfect schedule. Plenty of meetings, well organized so we didn’t have to run from one hall to the next. These were like pearls on a string. In between, there were the small magic openings that made it possible to look around for a second. We have tasted more than 350 wines in 3,5 day and met we many current suppliers, and a few new ones. We were organized without losing the fun part of it. We met with so many wonderful people from the wine trade, producers from Champagne and Mosel to California and Argentina.
It would be almost as easy to list the things I didn’t do during these days around Prowein. I did not:
– attend the #winelover dinner on Saturday
– taste all those lovely, magical wines from Portugal. So many things happening
– hunt down all those lovely #winelovers asking for appointments in Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, mail or Instagram
– went tasting in the section of Romania, Uruguay, China, Greece or all those other amazing countries popping new and interesting wines to the market
– try to steal any agency from good colleagues
– taste Bordeaux wines, to see if anything is happening with the old lady
– book a guest house anywhere for this years summer vacation with the family
– taste the other 59.652 wines at the fair
I already look forward to next year, where I hope to meet even more interesting people. More pictures at my Facebook and Instagram accounts – search for Vinkreutzer 😉 Here is a few impressions in pictures.